Video Art Gallery – A2 poster (Yo Sushi!)
DL flyer – front (Yo Sushi!)
DL flyer – back (Yo Sushi!)
Video Art Gallery
Yo Sushi
Poster & flyer
We were invited to submit a piece to a new video art gallery in Edinburgh’s Yo Sushi, the theme of all the work was to be Japanese culture. Our submission was a crazy after effects video mashing together japanese comic book art, pornography, kung-fu, mechas and photo’s, all to the tune of ‘Turning Japanese’ by The Vapors! A bizarre thing to behold indeed. It went down very well in the exhibition, but that may have been helped slightly by the immediacy of the tune 🙂
We were also asked to design these posters and flyers for the show. Utilising elements we’d grabbed from our video these colorful, vibrant illustrations were created for the artwork. They were influenced by gaudy fifties japanese movie posters mixed with bright cheesy pop elements.