The People’s Story – Foyer signage

Entrance hall signage – 2140mm x 2670mm (The People’s Story)

Entrance hall signage  (The People’s Story)

Entrance hall signage  (The People’s Story)

Entrance hall signage  (The People’s Story)

Entrance windows – vinyl (The People’s Story)

Foyer display panels – 1220mm x 1220mm / 600mm x 1220mm (The People’s Story)


Foyer signage
The People’s Story

As part of their 30th anniversary events, The People’s Story museum invited us to create new front entrance signage for the building.

The main signage would be viewed from the passers by on the Royal Mile, so needed to attract visitors into the museum. It’s viewed through an arch so the type needed to be confined to the central area. We used a historical photo of the building for the background, and tried to balance the old and the new in the type.

The glass door and windows into the reception needed a design that allowed visitors to see through but added some interest to the originally plain glass. We used a wonderful selection of images from the museums archive together with a frosted block panel to hold it all together.

On entering the foyer, two display panels give an overview of the museum and its history.

The project included the large main entrance wall signage, window vinyl


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